Privacy and Security Policy

All the services provided in our store and registered at , address: Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 14b, 00100 Helsinki , company: Kadir Ink Oy. It belongs to our company and is operated by our company. Our company may collect personal data forvarious purposes. How and in what manner the collected personal data arecollected, how and in what way these data are protected are specified below. By filling in various forms and questionnaireson our website, some personal information (such as name-surname, companyinformation, telephone, address or e-mail addresses) of the members arecollected by our store due to the nature of the business.In some periods, our company may send campaigninformation, information about new products, and promotional offers to itscustomers and members. Our members can make all kinds of choices about whetheror not to receive such information while becoming a member, and then afterlogging in, this selection can be changed in the account information section orthey can make a notification via the link in the notification message received. During the approval process carried out throughour store or by e-mail, personal information transmitted to our storeelectronically by our members will not be disclosed to third parties except forthe purposes and scope specified by the "User Agreement" we have madewith our Members. Our company records and uses the IP address ofits members in order to identify problems related to the system and to resolveany problems or disputes that may arise regarding the service provided. IPaddresses can also be used to identify users in general and to collectcomprehensive demographic information. Our company may use the requested informationfor direct marketing by itself or its collaborators, outside the purposes andscope specified in the Membership Agreement. Personal information can also beused to contact the user when necessary. Information requested by our companyor information provided by the user or information about transactions madethrough our store; It can be used by our company and its collaborators invarious statistical evaluations, database creation and market research withoutrevealing the identity of our members, outside of the purposes and scopespecified in the "Membership Agreement". Our company, to keep confidential informationstrictly private and confidential, to consider it as a confidentialityobligation and to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to take all necessarymeasures and to take all necessary measures to prevent all or any part ofconfidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use ordisclosure to a third party is committed to show.

Credit Card Security

Our company prioritizes the security of creditcard holders who shop from our shopping sites. Your credit card information isnot stored in any way our system. When you enter the process, there are twothings you need to pay attention to in order to understand that you are on asecure site. One of them is a key or lock symbol at the bottom line of yourbrowser. This shows that you are on a secure internet page and all yourinformation is encrypted and protected. This information is only used dependingon the sales process and in the direction of your instructions. Informationabout the credit card used during shopping is encrypted with 128 bit SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, independent of our shopping sites, and sent tothe relevant bank for query. If the card availability is approved can besustained for shopping. Since no information about the card can be viewed andrecorded by us, third parties are prevented from obtaining this informationunder any circumstances.The reliability of payment / invoice / deliveryaddress information of orders placed online by credit card is audited by ourcompany against Credit Card Fraud. For this reason, the accuracy of financialand address / telephone information must first be confirmed in order forcustomers who place orders from our shopping sites for the first time to reachthe supply and delivery stage. In order to check this information, ifnecessary, the credit card holder customer or the relevant bank is contacted.Only you can access and change all theinformation you provide while becoming a member. If you protect your logininformation securely, it is not possible for others to access and changeinformation about you. For this purpose, during membership transactions, we actwithin the 128 bit SSL security area. This system is an internationalencryption standard that cannot be broken.Internet shopping sites with an informationline or customer service service and where full address and telephoneinformation are specified are more preferred today. In this way, you can getdetailed information about all the issues you have in mind, and you can getmore reliable information about the reliability of the company that providesonline shopping service. Note: We recommend that you pay attention tothe company's full address and phone number on internet shopping sites. If youare going to shop, make a note of all the phone / address information of thestore where you purchased the product before shopping. Confirm by phone beforeshopping if you do not trust. All information about our company and thelocation of the company are specified in all our online shopping sites.

Mail Order Credit Card Information Security

Youridentity and credit card information that you send us by credit card mail-ordermethod will be stored by our company in accordance with the principle ofconfidentiality. This information is kept for 60 days against the objections towithdraw money from the credit card that may occur with the possible bank andthen destroyed. In case of withdrawal of any amount other than the mail-orderform approved by you for the price of the products you ordered, you cannaturally object to the bank and it does not pose a risk as you can prevent thepayment of this amount.

Third Party Websites and Applications

Our store maylink to other sites within the website. Our company does not bear anyresponsibility for the privacy practices and contents of the sites accessedthrough these links. The advertisements posted on the site of our company aredistributed to our users through our advertising business partners. The PrivacyPolicy Principles in this contract are only for the use of our Store and do notinclude third party websites.

Exceptional Cases

In the limitedcircumstances stated below, our company may disclose the information of usersto third parties other than the provisions of this "Privacy Policy".These situations are limited in number;
1.    Law, Decree Law, Regulation etc. To comply with the obligations imposedby the legal rules issued and enforced by the competent legal authority

Company: Kadir Ink Oy
Address: Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 14b, 00100 Helsinki
Phone: 045 851 7850
Fax: Y-tunnus 2991056-9 2991056-9